Friday, August 14, 2009

Are Your Symptoms Recurrent? Identify Your Genital Herpes Symptoms!

Genital herpes is a common sexual transmitted disease.

Genital Herpes is an infection of the genitals caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Actually, HSV-1 And HSV-2 are two types of the herpes simplex virus that affects the genitals.

Mostly, HSV-1 cause herpes on the face and HSV-2 causes genital herpes. This virus, usually, enters your body via small breaks in your skin or mucous membranes.

Most of you, usually, when infected with genital herpes will unaware of the virus presence in the body, because you often experience no genital herpes symptoms or mild symptoms that too unnoticeable.

No matter whether you exhibit mild genital herpes symptoms or no symptoms, you are likely to pass the virus to your sexual partner.

In general, the herpes symptoms are known as outbreaks. If genital herpes symptoms develop then they differ greatly from person to person. Normally, the genital herpes symptoms will develop between 2-7 days after exposure to the virus.

Some times, you cannot experience the genital herpes symptoms until months or years after being infected to the simplex virus.

Mostly, the genital herpes infections appear as small blisters or ulcers on the genitals. In general, the first occurrence of genital herpes is known as primary infection. During the primary infection, you may experience a range of very mild genital herpes symptoms.

The symptoms include: low-grade fever, headaches, malaise, generalized muscle aches, decreased appetite, and swollen lymph nodes in the groin or throat. However, these genital herpes symptoms may last for 3 weeks.

In addition to these, you may experience a burning sensation or itching in your genital area. Moreover, you may notice some painful redness or red spots in the areas around your genitals.

Normally, it occurs on both external and internal genitalia. These red spots or painful redness slowly becomes fluid-filled blisters, which then burst leaving you with painful ulcers.

Finally, these ulcers dry off and may take around 10 to 14 days to heal completely. In some rare cases, you may not experience the blisters but only ulcers that looks like small cuts or cracks in your skin.

In general, the most common area that genital herpes affects is vulva (the entrance to the vagina) and occasionally the cervix. Rarely, you may have sores on your buttocks, anus and on top of your thighs. In particular, you feel painful while urinating.

It is not that once your primary genital herpes symptoms disappear, the infection has gone permanently, however the virus may still be present in a nearby nerve, where the virus may be reactivated and passed back down the nerve to the skin. This kind of virus passage is called recurrence.

If herpes recurs in you, then also the genital herpes symptoms will be milder and lasts for very short period, usually 3-5 days because your body has generated antibodies in response to the primary infection, and can now fight more effectively against the virus.

Remember that recurrences, in some cases, may not develop at all. However, if it develops it may last for 6-12 months.


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